Senior and Disabled Public Housing Waiting List
Waiting List StatusOpen
Program TypeSenior and Disabled Public Housing
Phone Number(815) 489-8500.
Location223 South Winnebago Street Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois 61102
The Rockford Housing Authority (RHA) waiting list for Senior and Disabled Public Housing apartments is currently open. Applications are being accepted since at least September, 2019, until further notice.
To apply during the opening period, open and print the application online here. Scroll down to the "Application Checklist" and select the "Application Form" button.
Once the application has been completed, it must be mailed or hand delivered to the Centralized Applications Processing office, located on the first floor of the RHA Central Office, at:
Rockford Housing Authority
ATTN: Centralized Applications Processor
223 S. Winnebago Street
Rockford, IL 61102
This waiting list has the following preferences:
- Continuum of Care: Families whose head, spouse, or co-head is participating in the Rock River Homeless Coalition
- Disaster: Families who have been displaced by local, state, or Federal declared disaster
- Economic Self-Sufficiency: Families whose head of household is enrolled in an economic self-sufficiency program(definition from law).
- Education or Training: Families whose head of household is enrolled in licensed or certified education or training.
- Elderly or Disabled: Families whose head of household, spouse, or co-head is elderly(62+ years) or disabled.
- Elderly/Disabled Working Preference Benefit: Families in which the head AND spouse or co-head(or head of sole member household) is a person age 62 or older, or is a person with disabilities, will be also be given the benefit of the working preference.
- Homeless: Families who meet HUD's definition of homeless.
- Near Eldery: Families whose head, spouse, or co-head is near-elderly(50+ years)
- Olmstead: SODC member referred by SRN
- Prioritization for Urgency of Needs for Services: Participants on the State of Illinois PUNS list. The PHA will offer an absolute preference to any family that has been terminated from its HCV program do to insufficient program funding.
- Residency - Local: Families whose head, spouse, or co-head is a resident of OR works within the City of Rockford.
- Single Point of Entry: Families referred by the Community Action Agency Coordinated Entry System(Single Point of Entry)
- Veterans: Families whose head, spouse, or co-head is a veteran and was discharged from the military under any circumstances other than dishonorable.
- Working: Families whose head of household is working at least 10 hours per week.
- Youth: Applicant who was in the custody of the child welfare system on or before his or her 18th birthday, but has not yet reached the age of 24.
It is not known how applicants will be placed on the waiting list.
For more information, visit the RHA Rental Properties Application Info page, or the RHA website.
Service Area
This waiting list is for rental assistance in Rockford, Illinois. Apartments offered through this waiting list are only located within this service area.
How to apply
- Find and contact the housing authority
- Determine your eligibility and apply
- Receive the rental voucher
- Find affordable apartments

Reasonable Accommodation
Applicants who need help completing the application due to disability can make a reasonable accommodation request to the housing authority via (815) 489-8500.