Madison, Wisconsin Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
Waiting List StatusClosed
Program TypeWisconsin Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher
Phone NumberWill soon be updated
Location30 West Mifflin Street Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin 53703
The Community Development Authority of the City of Madison (CDA) Mainstream Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from March 26, 2020, until an unconfirmed close date.
According to the CDA, the following households qualify:
- "Families
- At least 1 family household member is a non-elderly adult (age 18-61) with disabilities; and
- Currently a client living in permanent supportive housing for the last 2 years, or a rapid rehousing project for the last 6 months
- Singles
- The individual is a non-elderly adult (age 18-61) with disabilities; and
- Currently a client living in permanent supportive housing for the last 4 years, or a rapid rehousing project for the last 6 months
This includes any member of the family who is between the age of 18 and 61, and is a person with disabilities as defined in 42 U.S.C. 423."
There are two ways to apply during the opening period:
- Singles
Send an email to the Tenant Resource Center at [email protected]. - Families
Call The Road Home of Dane County at (608) 294-7998. Ask for Justin.
This waiting list has the following preferences:
- Head-of-household, spouse, or co-head lives, works, or attends school or participates in a training program in the City of Madison
- Head of household, the spouse, or the cohead is elderly (62 years of age or older)
- Head of household, the spouse, or the cohead is a person with disabilities
- Minor children in the household
- Head-of-household, spouse, or co-head is homeless and living in a public or private facility providing shelter, a motel or hotel, or is staying with other people because they are homeless (doubled-up); or the head-of-household, spouse, or co-head is a victim of a domestic-related crime.
Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the CDA website.
Sources: This information was verified by the Community Development Authority of the City of Madison on July 22, 2021.
Service Area
This waiting list is for rental assistance in Madison, Wisconsin.
How to apply
- Find and contact the housing authority
- Determine your eligibility and apply
- Receive the rental voucher
- Find affordable apartments