North Marin Community Services
- 1907 Novato Blvd Novato, CA 94947
- 415-897-4147
- Call for rent $
About This Building
Rental and Critical Needs Assistance: One time financial assistance is available for families with children living in the home, seniors or disabled adults. Single adults at risk of being homeless may also be eligible depending upon availability of funds. Families who are homeless or are at risk of being homeless can be provided with a one-time payment of rent or mortgage to prevent a loss of housing. Hours of operation: Monday Friday 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. RENTAL, MORTGAGE OR DEPOSIT ASSISTANCE Alejandra's familyIf you are experiencing a financial crisis and may be at risk for becoming homeless, you may be eligible to apply for one-time rental assistance, mortgage payment assistance or rental security deposit assistance. Minimum eligibility requirements include: You are "very low-income" or "extremely low-income" You are a resident of Novato for at least 6 months; or you are homeless and living in Novato Your landlord or mortgage holder must be willing to accept a check from North Marin Community Services Please note that some other restrictions may apply Priority for assistance is given to families with children, seniors, disabled residents and is also based on an assessment of the severity of each crisis situation. To apply for assistance you need to schedule an appointment with a case manager to review your possible eligibility; describe your plans for making your own future rental/mortgage payments if you are able to receive temporary support; and to discuss the specific information/documents that you must provide to be considered. If your situation meets the basic requirements, your case manager will then assist you with filling out an application form. And, will work with you to fill out a Family Monthly Budget Form. Depending on your situation, the entire process can take a few days or a few weeks before a check can be issued to your landlord or mortgage lender. Please know that North Marin Community Services receives many more requests than can be met with the funds available for this purpose, so there is NO guarantee that you will receive this support.
Mission Statement: Mission: We empower youth, adults and families in our diverse community to achieve well-being, growth and success. Vision: A strong community with opportunities for all.
Mission Statement: Mission: We empower youth, adults and families in our diverse community to achieve well-being, growth and success. Vision: A strong community with opportunities for all.