Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida - Panama City

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Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida - Panama City

About This Building

Catholic Charities offers assistance through a variety of programs and services . They strive to help provide those in need with basic needs. Among these services is:Emergency Assistance (This assistance can include help with paying rent or utility payments to avoid eviction or interruption of services. Basic eligibility requirements for emergency financial assistance include: Experienced a financial setback within the past three months that resulted in an inability to pay basic housing needs. In addition, one or more of the following criteria listed below must have occurred: One or more months behind in rent/mortgage or utility payments, OR Received a three-day or eviction notice, OR Received a utilities cutoff notice, OR Had utilities cut off. Emergency financial assistance is limited to residents of Duval, Clay, Baker and Nassau Counties. Other restrictions may apply.)Workforce Development Pilot Program (The program provides one-on-one assistance, job readiness training, development of an individual work plan, and job referrals to low income unemployed or underemployed persons 18 years of age and older.)Refugee Resettlement Program (Helps resettle individuals and reunite families who legally enter the United States as part of an expression of U.S. foreign and humanitarian policy. Our clients received extensive medical background and relationship checks before travel to the US was approved.)Food Program (Food is distributed to the public on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Catholic Charities Food Pantry assigns tickets beginning at 8:30 a.m. on the days of distribution. To be eligible to receive food you can come once every ninety days. One ticket per household; and you must be present when your number is called. During Holidays, please check with agency for Holiday Food distribution schedule.)Immigration ServicesJEA Neighbor-To-Neighbor Program (Provides limited financial assistance for elderly, disabled and poor residents in the JEA service area who are at risk of having their utilities shut off.)Camp I Am Special/Ministry for Persons with Disabilities (8 different weeks of camp are hosted throughout the summer in addition to two weekend mini-camps during the year. The summer camps provide a six-day, recreational and residential summer camp experience for children, teenagers, and young adults who are challenged by developmental disabilities.)Adoption/Pregnancy Services (Provides services and advocacy for women and their families with unplanned pregnancies and ongoing support to birth families, adoptive families and adoptees throughout their lives)Hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements to be approved for services. For more detailed information or to schedule an appointment, please contact.

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