Catholic Urban Programs
- 7 Vieux Carre Dr East Saint Louis, IL 62203
- 618-398-5616
- Call for rent $

About This Building
Catholic Urban Programs offers supportive and financial assistance and has a food pantry. Prevention: Offering rental and/or mortgage assistance in order to prevent the family from becoming homeless; offering an assessment prior to an eviction that may stave off homelessness. Residential service: Offering women and children housing at Holy Angels for 6 to 9 weeks while giving the necessary case management and social services to secure employment, income, housing options, or referrals for short term counseling to secure long term housing After care service: Follow-up case management and care for a minimum of six months to those families who have left the shelter and are once more beginning to live independently. These services address housing, education, health, child care, employment issues that may be challenges as the family starts over.