Columbus Emergency Relief
- 1853 10th Avenue Columbus, NE 68601
- 402-564-4184
- Call for rent $

About This Building
Hours: Tue 10 am-12 noon, Wed 10 am-12 noon and 2:30 pm-5 pm, Thu 10 am-12 noon, Fri 10 am -12 noonServices Provided: FOOD, if they have exhausted food pantry usageCLOTHING VOUCHERS for thrift storesRENT, or mortgage assistanceGASOLINE VOUCHERS for those who are working or looking for work, or doctor's appointments. Proof needed. PRESCRIPTION VOUCHERS, new and refillUTILITY BILL payment assistanceFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE limited to $100 a year and only 2 years in a row and then have to skip a year before they can get service again