Human Development Services Of Westchester

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Human Development Services Of Westchester

About This Building

The following residential programs assist persons recovering from major mental illness to reintegrate into the community: Congregate Care. Supervised communityres1 residences in two locations offer housing for men and women (18 years of age and above). The program provides room and board, support and rehabilitative services, medication management, 24-hour supervision, and social & cultural activities. Apartment Program. Apartments located throughout central Westchester provide room and board in a homelike setting to persons 18 years of age and above. Support and rehabilitation services are included; staff is available on a 24 hour basis. Supported Housing. Independent permanent housing is provided for individuals, families, and students. Case management support is included to assure tenant safety and stability. Rent is based on ability to pay. Rental Assistance. This program, funded by HUD, provides permanent housing and support services for homeless persons and individuals with families. WestCAREs. WestCAREs is a mobile treatment and housing program, a collaboration among St. Vincent Hospitals clinical outpatient services and two Westchester housing providers, HDSW and The Sharing Community. WestCares offers comprehensive community support, integrating psychiatric treatment, housing, and case management; as well as social and vocational services to persons who are homeless and living with serious mental illness. Call for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Mission Statement: HDSW is a social service organization providing quality behavioral health, rehabilitative, health, residential, and community stabilization services in Westchester County. HDSW is dedicated to empowering the individuals and families we serve to achieve self-sufficiency.

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