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Total Ministries Of Spartanburg County

About This Building

Typical types of assistance include: Preventing loss of utility services (electric, gas, water) Providing heating assistance in the winter Providing food Covering the costs of life-sustaining medications Assistance with obtaining identification papers to start work or find social services assistance (birth certificate, social security card, and picture i.d.) Traveler's Aid for Spartanburg County (stranded travelers) Required Documentation: To be eligible for help from TOTAL Ministries, you will need to have the following items: Valid Photo Id indicating that you are a Spartanburg County resident Social Security Card Social Security cards of household members Utility Bill with disconnection notice Utility Bill and Photo Id address must match Proof of income (award letter of Disability, SSI, FIA, pay stub, bank account statement, unemployment benefits statement, etc) Valid written prescription medication
Mission Statement: OUR MISSION: TOTAL Ministries shares the love of God by assisting our neighbors in Spartanburg County who are facing financial hardships.

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