Round Rock Area Serving Center
- 1099 E. Main St. Round Rock, TX 78664
- 512)244-2431
- Call for rent $

About This Building
Round Rock Area Serving Center Provides a food pantry and limited financial assistance for people in service area for rent, mortgage, utility bills, and long-distance bus tickets tickets are limited. For utility assistance the utilities must still be on. They will not assist if the utility is off.Assistance for people under age 60 is very limited, and they are encouraged to get in line before the doors open each day. People ages 60 and older may walk in any time during the hours of operation to apply for services. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 10:00 am 4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am Noon Eligibility: Individuals or families in financial need or crisis who live in the service area. Do not serve 78729 area.